Advantages of database manage - How to learn computer hard ware in online

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Saturday, December 9, 2017

Advantages of database manage

Welcome to my “Advantages of database management.” 
Compactness - the information is stored in the database, there is no need to store multi-volume paper files;
• speed - the speed of information processing (search, modification) by the computer is much higher than manual processing;
• Low labor costs - there is no need for tedious manual work on data;
• Applicability - fresh information is always available.
Additional advantages arise when using a database in a multi-user environment since it becomes possible to perform centralized data management.
Functionally, the complete DBMS should include tools that provide the needs of users of various categories at all stages of the life cycle of the database systems: design, creation, operation.
Database management systems allow solving a whole range of tasks, among which the most important are:

1. information storage
2. quick information retrieval by characteristics
3. Information systematization
4. Information processing
5. Synthesis of new information based on the information of the database.
The logical structure of the data stored in the database is called the data representation model. The main models of data representation (data models) include the following: hierarchical, network and relational.
Typically, the DBMS is distinguished by the data model used. For example, DBMS, based on the use of the relational data model, is called relational DBMS.
Network databases.
One of the most effective methods of representing knowledge is network models. At the heart of the models is the notion of a network whose vertices are concepts corresponding to objects, events, processes, phenomena, and arcs are the relationships between these concepts.
Nodes and links can be visualized in the form of diagrams.
If the vertices of the network do not have their internal structure, then the network will be simple. If the vertices have some structure in the form of a network, then the network is called a hierarchical one. If the relations between the vertices are the same, then the network is homogeneous, otherwise, the network is not homogeneous. The nature of the relations attributed to the arcs can be different.
Relational databases.
Databases are called relational if they are based on a mathematical model that uses the methods of relational algebra and relational calculus.
the relational model is the simplest and most common form of data representation in the form of a table. In the theory of sets, the table corresponds to the term relation, which gave the name of the model. For it, there is a developed mathematical apparatus - relational calculus and relational algebra, where for databases (relations) are defined such well-known set-theoretic operations as union, subtraction, intersection, connection, etc. Almost all database products created from the end of 70, are based on the relational approach. The overwhelming majority of scientific research in the field of databases is carried out in this direction.
The relational database model must satisfy the following criteria:
· Provide all information in the form of tables;
· Maintain a logical data structure, regardless of their physical representation;
· Use high-level language for structuring, executing queries and changing information in databases;
· Maintain basic relational operations (selection, design, and integration), as well as set-theoretic operations such as merging, intersection, and addition;
· Support virtual tables, providing users with an alternative way of viewing data in tables;
· Distinguish between the tables unknown values (nulls), null values and omissions in the data;
· Provide mechanisms to support integrity, authorization, transactions and data recovery.
Structurally, the table in the database has an arbitrary dimension and consists of columns and rows, where the rows refer to one of the base objects, and the columns (columns) contain a set of parameters that characterize these objects. Real electronic databases, relying on the tabular principle structurally, are not only two-dimensional but multidimensional, consisting of a set of tables, between which there are certain relationships (some of them are main, others are subordinates).
The information in the database is sorted by records and fields. The record is associated with a real data object. It can be some kind of information about the patient, for example, the result of a blood test; about the client of the bank (account), the commodity, the event, etc. Records are the main content of the database. A separate independent entry is called a field.
A field is a characteristic of an object represented by a record. Each field has its own name, type, length. The field type can be a character, numeric or date. For the number field, the precision (the number of fractional positions) is indicated. For example, the indicators of ESR of all patients of the base are collected in the field "ESR", the field "surname, name, patronymic", contains a list of names of all patients of the base, etc. In multidimensional relational databases, there are so-called key fields, through which a connection is made between tables.
A group of relational DBMSs is represented very widely. These are, for example, systems such as Paradox, Rbase, Clarion, dBase, Clipper, FoxPro, etc.
In addition to relational systems, there are also those in which data are represented in structures other than tables. Such systems are called non-relational DBMSs. To work with such structures, other operations are used. For example, in a hierarchical system, data is presented to the user in the form of a set of tree structures (hierarchies), and among the operations, with hierarchical structures, there are operations of moving along hierarchical paths down and up the trees.
Control questions
1. The concept of medical information system (IIA).
2. The objectives of the IIA?
3. What types and classes of IIAs are known to you?
4. What is an automated workstation (ARM)?
5. The concept and functions of hospital information systems (GIS).
6. What are the different types of GIS?
7. What is the GIS architecture?
8. The main tasks of increasing the effectiveness of GIS?
9. Databases.
10. Database management systems (DBMS).
11. The data bank.
12. Types of DBMS.
13. Structured organization of databases. Rows, columns. The dimension of databases. Types of fields.
14. Main functions of database management systems.
15. The main directions of DBMS application in medicine.
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3. Litvinov AA, Kovalenko AS, Golubchikov MV Features designing the subsystem "Statistics" of the hospital information system. - Control systems and machines. - 2007.- №5.- С61-67.

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